Hello Empowered Ones,

It has come to that time of month again where I dig into my favourite subscription of the month from The Lancashire Witch. May’s subscription box is a goodie, so let’s dig in!


The Lancashire Witch brings out a themed box each and every month. Their prices begin at £35 for the box only for UK Customers and £50 for International Customers. However, you are given the option to upgrade your subscription to £45 or £60 a month (for UK customers or International Customers respectively) to include a membership to their online coven hosted on Facebook, where you gain access to a wealth of information, workshops and coffee catch ups. The boxes are in line with the monthly theme in the online coven.


May’s theme this month was Protection and Shielding. As a part of the online coven, the workshops and information given encouraged others to practise their own protective magic and create your own grimoires and protecting that from sneaky eyes! The products, as per usual, matched the online coven theme, with The Lancashire Witch’s famous protection range, but also a very special limited edition range, which you will find out about in just a moment!


When they say that you get more than your money’s worth, they weren’t kidding! Inside the box, I found a vast array of items… and the smell! Absolutely divine!

This month, subbers received:

  • Shield Me Tea
  • Protection Spellvelope
  • Protection Working Rice
  • Protection Incense
  • Protection Oil
  • Shield Me Aura Spray
  • Shield Me Floor Wash
  • 3 Herbs: Hyssop, Sage, Mugwort
  • 1 Candle
  • 1 Vial

Another amazing box! We all need protection now and again, one way or another, so to have a selection of goodies which can be used whenever we need to put up the barrier from a bad day or even those who do not have our best interests at heart provides us with another great value box.

When I opened the box, you could feel the love and magic that had gone into this Of course, the smell of the items is, as always, incredible, and thanks to the Sage both present in the items and the herb bag, also makes you rather hungry!

Now, I am a little obsessed by watching flames, so to have one of their spellvelopes in my collection now is very exciting. The notion behind their spellvelopes is that as you watch your spellvelope burn, your intention gets released into the universe along with the herbs and smoke.

The rice and incense are great cupboard keepsakes. Both being protection, the rice can be used again and again, and the incense provides you with a large supply to use for quite some time. My house will certainly be a protected one for quite some time!

Are you ready for my favourite item of the month? Please clap your hands for their Shield Me Aura Spray. If you read my blog post last week, you will know already that I am a bit partial to an aura spray or ritual mist. I love that they are portable and can lift the vibes of a space immediately. It just helps that this particular Aura Spray smells amazing and can be used whenever I am feeling like I need to just take a little break from everything before I hit the ground running again with my own empowerment journey.


As I mentioned, this box is another wonderful selection of goodies that can be used time and time again. I already know that the Aura Spray will become a regular occurrence in my life, especially on the more stressful days.

I am also very much looking forward to planning some time one night where I can burn my spellvelope safely without my toddler trying to somehow get involved. At the same time, I will no doubt also add personal items to the rice so that as the spellvelope intention is being carried away to the universe, I know I am always protected and rooted within the Earth itself, almost like a protective rice blanket!

The candle and oil I plan on using at another time. I have a couple of big events coming up in my own personal life which I feel is going to need a whole lot of extra help to shield and protect me from the stress they may cause. With university exams and important meetings ahead, the candle and oil will provide me with hope, warmth and protection when I will need it the most.


A big thank you to The Lancashire Witch for this month’s sub box! I cannot wait to use each of these items and give them the special attention they deserve!

To get your own sub box or to join the online coven, you can subscribe here! Or why not follow The Lancashire Witch on Instagram and Facebook.

Lots of love and magic,

Amy x

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